News and announcements
Evaluating Engagement through Technology: Digital Excellence Demonstration Communities in the Chicago Region
This project consists of the design and baseline interviews for an evaluation of an innovative…
Positioning the Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement (IPCE)
The Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement (IPCE) is a new organization at the University of…
Climate Smart Technology Networks (CSTNets)
Climate Smart Technology Network (CSTNets) is part of the 2014-2019 Climate Change for Agriculture…
Institutional and Organizational Factors for Enabling Data Access, Exchange and Use Aims for DivSeek
The primary aim of DivSeek is “to enable breeders and researchers to mobilize…plant genetic…
Travel Training Program Evaluation (US DOT)
Public transportation and public educational programs are mandated to provide transportation…
Potential and emerging impacts of the changing institutional landscape on the global exchange of genetic resources for food and agriculture (GRFA)
Potential and emerging impacts of the changing institutional landscape on the global exchange of…
Contested resource inputs to science
Contested resource inputs to science: How institutional provisions on the access and use of…
Access and Benefit Sharing for Non-Plant Genetic Resources in Agriculture
Knowledge for Policy: Critical Research for Understanding Potential Impacts of ABS on Eight Sectors…
Patenting Behavior of Academic Scientists and Engineers: A Micro-level Analysis of the Factors that Determine the Production of University Patents
Research on university patenting has focused primarily on aggregate analyses of temporal changes in…
Center for Clinical and Translational Science (NIH)
The Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) consortium is funded by the National Center…