New project: Evaluation of Cascadia CoPes Hub for coastal resiliency (NSF)

The National Science Foundation has selected Oregon State University and the University of Washington to lead a collaborative research hub focused on increasing resiliency among coastal communities in the Pacific Northwest.The initial award for the Cascadia Coastlines and Peoples Hazards Research Hub, or Cascadia CoPes Hub, is for $7.2 million and the total request over five years is nearly $18.9 million. The hub will provide an avenue for coordinating research in Pacific Northwest coastal communities among numerous academic and government organizations to inform and enable integrated hazard assessment, mitigation and adaptation in collaboration with local communities. Additional partners on the project include the University of Oregon, OSU-based Oregon Sea Grant, Washington Sea Grant, the William D. Ruckleshaus Center at Washington State University, Humboldt State University in Arcata, Calif., the United States Geological Survey, the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, Georgia Tech and Arizona State University.

CSTEPS and Georgia Tech will lead the external evaluation portion of the project over all 5 years. 


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