Genetic Resources Policy Initiative (GRPI)
Genetic Resources Policy Initiative (GRPI)

Developing capacity to effectively implement the ITPGRFA: Research on policy network structure, actor characteristics, and coalitions

This study will map the policy network structures and understand decision making processes in eight countries that have ratified the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA). It will identify key policy actors, determine how they are positioned and connected with each other, how they interact, and ascertain what their perspectives are towards ITPGRFA. The research will also identify the existence and importance of policy coalitions – like minded groups of actors – to assess levels of actual or expected cooperation and conflict. Of interest are also actors and stakeholders who might be active in the policy field, but who are not members of a coalition, for example, farmer associations or NGOs. The research has three main objectives. First, to provide a transparent picture of the structure and relationships of policy actors who are important for the effective implementation of the ITPGRFA. Second, to identify opportunities or needs for interaction with or inclusion of new actors that would benefit and could contribute to the implementation process. Third, to examine changes in policy network structures and relationships over time and link them to policy implementation outcomes. Based on the data collected and analyzed, the researcher team will suggest possible capacity development interventions for effective implementation of the ITPGRFA. Expected benefits also include increased awareness about the ITPGRFA among key policy makers. The study will be implemented in eight countries: Bhutan, Nepal, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Rwanda, and Uganda. It involves a team of researchers from Bioversity International, University of Illinois at Chicago and national research partners from each country.

This study is part of a larger project entitled Genetic Resources Policy Initiative and conducted by Bioversity International to strengthen national capacities to implement the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. The key objective of the project is to increase the capacity of partner countries to participate in the Treaty’s system of access and benefit-sharing in respect of plant genetic resources. As part of that project, Bioversity has reached out to include researchers at the University of Illinois to assist with implementation and research. The main contributions that UIC will have are in the areas of institutional assessment. The project is funded by Bioversity International. For more information, please visit the following website: