Expert Consultation on the Post COVID-19 Implications on Collaborative Governance of Genomics Research, Innovation, and Genetic Diversity (PC-GIG)

COVID-19 and technological change add complexity to challenges and opportunities for the governance of genetic data and information for research and innovation, especially as related to open access, global equity and science capacity. In pursuit of our Global Science Regulation and Governance research focus, CSTEPS is co-leading a new virtual, 6-month consultation that engages a diversity of experts in health and agriculture to explore underlying tensions, implications of COVID-19, and potential new approaches for collaborative governance for genomic innovation.

This consultation will result in a white paper identifying scenarios, analytical frameworks and research agendas to inform interested stakeholders in a collaborative global governance of genomic research, innovation and genetic diversity.

This is a joint initiative between the Center for Science, Technology and Environmental Policy Studies, Arizona State University; the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD); and Keystone Policy Center.

Learn more about our research in Global Science Regulation and Governance here.