CSTEPS receives NSF RAPID grant to study COVID-19 impact on data sharing and collaboration

CSTEPS research focuses on timely science and technology policy issues on a global scale. Several of the Center’s current research projects focus on the COVID-19 pandemic . CSTEPS was recently awarded an NSF RAPID grant to study the ways in which COVID-19 has had an impact on researchers willingness to share data and collaborate.

This research investigates how scientists’ data access and sharing preferences and behaviors change over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, as research moves from early crisis response to concrete opportunities for visibility, reputation, and innovation. 

This project investigates how and why these changes occur in order to design data governance solutions that maximize the community response to public crises, minimize delays in global collaboration and data sharing, and ultimately lead to research production and innovation.

This study will add to the Center’s broader body of research on global governance and regulation of science. This is a joint research project with CSTEPS Director Dr. Eric Welch serving as Principal Investigator  and CSTEPS alumna and collaborator Dr. Federica Fusi serving as Co-PI. To learn more: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2029936