Climate Change for Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
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Featured Projects
Featured ProjectsBarriers and Facilitators to Germplasm Exchange in Developing Countries: Implications for Responses to Climate Change
This study examines the movement and use of genetic resources between the GGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) Centres, CGIAR partners and other end users. In collaboration with Bioversity International, it examines how extreme weather is affecting national, regional and global patterns of germplasm; whether there are changes in demand for germplasm traits, and how institutional structures that facilitate and constrain exchange necessary for responding to changes in weather. The project will conduct a survey of plant breeders and genebank managers in 19 developing countries to better understand changes in germplasm demand and flow resulting from changes in weather patterns, how the key actors draw on existing and new resources to respond and adapt to the evolving context, and what institutional and organization factors limit or enable their ability to effectively respond.